Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our Loyal Friends-The GURKHAS

Dear Mr Moss,

Many months ago I signed a petition put forward by the Daily Express and Ms Joanna Lumley requesting fair treatment for GURKHAS.

Given the details now being released following the decision made by the Home Secretary to lay down “grossly unfair” condition to allow Gurkhas to settle in the UK, I feel both saddened and ashamed to call myself British and now have mixed feelings at having once worn the Queens Uniform myself.

The conduct of “THIS” Government and the way in which they have handled this matter is both disgraceful and treacherous.

Considering the numbers of “immigrants” both legal and illegal which this country is “soaking up”, and coupled with the handouts and state benefits given to the said immigrants, my question would be :- Is it really such a “big deal” to allow these brave, dedicated and “Loyal” servants of the Queen to settle here if they so choose to do so…. IS IT REALLY such a problem..?? Hardly… given the mess that we are in already…!!

“IF”… I were to be given the power to make a decision on such matters…. I would lay down just one rule:- They must wear the Queens Uniform and serve with honour for a minimum of 5 years. That’s it … !! after that…. Please be invited to become a British citizen and live with us (and your family) if you so desire.

In conjunction with this rule I would them apply exactly the same conditions to “ALL” immigrants being:

Report to one of our recruiting offices (abroad somewhere) … sign up….
Put on the Queens uniform, go and fight in a war (somewhere) as may be ordered by HM Government….

Put your life on the line….. and then … “IF” you survive…. “welcome” to the UK….. failing that ….. Go Away..!!

Would if be unfair or racist to demand that “ALL” immigrants be accorded the SAME rigid condition of entry to the UK as now being demanded of our very best friends ( for 200 years plus!!) the GURKHAS….

Why Oh Why ….we need to make this appeal “at all” beats the hell out of me….. any decent person in Government ( which obviously there are NONE !!) would see that the action and conditions as now being laid down are dishonourable and a disgrace to say the very least.

As for any knock on effects with other groups who would try to follow “suit”..?? well…. If they have served our Country as well as the Gurkhas have..?? then OK…. welcome them in as well….. as … you tell me “exactly” what the immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan have done to deserve to be in the UK as compared with the service of the Gurkhas…..

Nothing…..nothing at all …!! And yet…. Mr Phil Wollas does not seem to want to clamp down on them with the same venom, vigour and spitefulness …!!

How dare the Home Secretary treat the Gurkhas in such an insulting way… how dare she ..!! and whilst all the time turning a “Nelson Eye” to the criminals and riff-raff flooding into our land.

Enough said….. my feelings are quite clear.

Yours sincerely
David Proctor. (Ex- RE)

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