Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Loyal Friends

In life we meet different people. Some become our friends and soon leave after that. Other's come into our lifes and stay for a while and then leave. Then we get those friends that stay in our lifes and don't leave.
What exactly are those friends, who are they and why are they in our lifes?
Well, we call those special people in our lifes "Loyal Friends" and I believe that they are Angels sent to us from above.
They are send into our lifes for a reason and we don't question that, but what are they in detail and what are there characteristic's like?
At first, friends are the fundamental element on which on which life and the journey of relationships are based on. The answer of what true friendship is lies in the heart, because true friendship can only be felt and not expressed and to experience what true friendship is must you have true friends and loyal friends and those two are hard to find.
Loyal friends is special friends that are placed in our lifes. They are friends with a total different character and are different from ordinary friends.
Loyal friends is someone who won't dump you for someone else or replace you. They would rather fight for your friendship and won't walk away and will be by yoir side no matter what your mood is.
They are someone who will bring you up when your sad and will help build you up. They are the one's that will love for what you are and what yoir personality is and they will accept you as you are, but will help you to what you really should be.
Loyal friends is someone who you can trust, someone who can keep secrets and promises. They are the one's that will be honest with you.
A loyal friend doesn't keep anything from you. They don't keep you out of anything and is someone that will go out of their way to be in your company and place value on it and loyal friends are the one's that won't make up any excuses not to be with you.
They are the one's you learn from while you are in their company. They make you think of ways you can see in a positive and constructed manner.
Loyal friends are the one's that won't support you when your wrong and they are the one's that will tell that your wrong and they won't back you on it. They are the one's that will differentiate between right and wrong and will encourage you to do the right thing.
Finally, loyal friends is also about sharing and caring and love is the one thing that hold the two together.
Loyal friends are very hard to find and if you found yours don't give up.

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