Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dog Blogger Emeritus – Horst, Lisa & Bo Hoefinger

  Horst Hoefinger was born in Leoben, Austria at a very, very young age. Moving to the the United States at the age of six, he and his family ultimately settled in the upstate New York area.
It was here he developed his interest in dogs. Whether it was the dogs that slept with him in his youth or living with the dogs he rescued in his adult life, he developed the lifelong bonds that are created when you truly love an animal.
It was this passion that led him to write a book about his dog Bo, to give to his wife as a Christmas gift in 2006. He wanted to give his wife something to memorialize Bo’s life, something she could cherish long after Bo was no longer with the family. The book was written through Bo’s eyes about the adventures the family had with him over the past 14 plus years.
His wife Lisa enjoyed it so much that she found Bo a literary agent. Finally a canine with an agent! The newly released book (Oct ’09) is titled “BAD TO THE BONE: Memoirs Of A Rebel Doggie Blogger,” published by Kensington Books. Bo will undoubtedly make a guest appearance to let you know about it.
After 16 months as the bloggers on ‘For The Love Of Dog’ the Hoefingers are moving on to their next adventure. They will still be on Dogster everyday, and continue to be very active, just not blogging. You can always reach them via pmail, Facebook, or Twitter. You can stop by Bo’s author page at BAD TO THE BONE MEMOIR. And you can always order Bo’s book online at Amazon, or your favorite retailer. They will continue to write freelance and starting on December 1, 2009 blogging off of Anna Nirva’s SunbearBlogSquad. Of course you can always check out Bo’s blog; Bo Knows: A Funny Dog Blog to hear from the dog himself. Here you’ll find sarcastic, witty and funny commentary directly from man’s best friend on all things dog.
Horst now lives in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA with his wife Lisa and three dogs; Bo, Copper and Logan.bags Show

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